
Saturday, 22 June 2024

Art: Post-Industrial / What ChatGPT says about me / Demdike Stare revival / Ballardian boat of the Drowned World


RTomens, 2024


'who is robin tomens?'

Robin Tomens is an author, music enthusiast, and blogger known for his work related to jazz music and record collecting. He has written books such as "Waltz in Time," which explore various aspects of music and culture. Additionally, Robin Tomens runs a blog called "Inconstant Sol," where he shares insights and reviews about jazz albums, including rare and obscure recordings, often delving into their historical context and significance. His contributions have made him a respected figure among jazz aficionados and collectors.'

A friend sent me the above, created by ChatGPT. I don't fear AI. It made me laugh. People assume fear drives a dislike of AI, as if those of us yet to be enthralled by it cower at the prospect of it taking over. Future scenario: AI is used to infiltrate the military industrial complex to such a degree that those controlling input can no longer stop the results, or alter them. AI creates wars which destroy the world. Somebody must have written that as fiction, surely.

How ChatGPT describes me is wrong anyway. Where does it get its false information? It names a book I haven't written and a blog I never wrote. I am certainly not 'a respected figure among jazz aficionados and collectors', despite having written this. More likely, because I wrote that.


Ten years after my book was published, Demdike Stare released Tryptych. I mention it only because there's a Demdike Stare revival gathering my room...just because they came to mind, for some unknown I played Tryptych and was surprised at how good it still sounded...almost as good as when Sean Canty and Miles Whittaker seemed to rule the kingdom of 'hauntology'...they were so hip (ugh)...Mancunians from the murky North...a post-industrial landscape littered with the ruins of factories, crumpled pylons, rusting power generators...rubble...constant rain feeding giant weeds that burst through pavement cracks to thread themselves through smashed windows towards light that's never quite strong the new garden of evil...

They wouldn't thank me for suggesting they're finished. They're not. In January this year they released Sustain: FForward, a 'mixtape' merging all manner of beats and samples. But for my money, it's not as impressive as their Testpressing series, 2013 to 2015. 


Talking of rampant foliage in the post-industrial world...the Drowned World, whilst walking around Chatham Docks this week I came across this...

...very Ballardian, eh?


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