Wednesday 29 April 2015

Jan Verwoert on Seduction Value and Metabolism

'Leaving people with the worst because we cannot have the best is an unfair choice'

'The double bluff. You fool people by giving them nothing but a reflection of their own desire and you admit it on top of it. Then, you know, I'm just fucking with your desire...then the audience that's being deceived suddenly feels kind of included in their own deception...that's the double bluff'

'If we can't have the best then we must give up our hunger and eat with being hungry...that's what makes zombies so popular at the moment...and feel that you don't feel any more...I am a zombie, I am no longer hungry...if I can't have the jacuzzi bomb shelter then at least I will join the zombie crawl'

'We're becoming more and more the legitimators of an insane city economy by producing cultural resemblances of the value of that very city'

Zombies, The Muppets, Manet, Alain Delon, the economy of desire, a Depeche Mode riff...all are featured in Jan Verwoert's ICA talk. During the Q&A he discusses the cannibalism of criticism. If, like me (living a theory-free life) you think it's heavy going to start with, stay with it as I did and you'll be rewarded with his dry humour and smart metaphors.

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