Monday 5 October 2015

Brion Gysin: UNSEEN COLLABORATOR - October Gallery

All this decorative garbage they turn out is what they can pick and choose from as they rollerskate through the air-condition supermarket of the arts. It's like painting with numbers and it should stop in the kindergarten. It's not that these things make creation too easy - they have nothing at all to do with creativity. This is the ugly flab on the fatcat society that burns up everybody else's calories of psychic energy and leaves the world impoverished, no enriched. 
- Brion Gysin

A visit on the final day of Unseen Collaborator at The October Gallery. Works by Brion Gysin. Here's a detail from Burroughs In Tangier, 1977, which I hadn't seen before and became engrossed in because these tiny photos were pasted on. I don't know who William Burroughs is with.

Full picture...

The other photo pasted to the art...

Who is the Third Mind that hovers over you?

This was good too. Pals Popping Out Of Windows, 1975


Dream machine in the corner...

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