Wednesday 24 January 2018

Digital Art/Collage: Losing My Grip

Losing My Grip, RTomens, 2018

Hello, how are you? What? I know, society, what a spectacle it is, eh? Never mind. Chances are the people next to you on the bus/train/platform/pavement/street are no better off - maybe worse. Best think of the poor bastards who are worse off. You need perspective. Easy to say, isn't it? Your glass is half full and theirs is virtually empty.

Enough of that. Here's a piece called Losing My Grip. It took many stages to reach this final version. There are a few resulting from the journey, but this isn't the ultimate one. Whilst making art I often create versions. Seldom do any get left behind, unless they really don't work. Whilst an artist friend of mine 'works from the sofa', I'm more old-fashioned and use the desktop computer (remember them?). Losing My Grip is actually the result of several processes, as opposed to simply versions.  Even the first, which looks quite different to this, resulted from a few processes. I can't recall right now whether I gave it the same title. 

Well, I hope you have a good day tomorrow. Mine will partly consist of book-hunting...and I might even make some art. TTFN

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