Wednesday 14 March 2018

To quote John Cage: I have nothing to say and I'm going to say it...

15.34pm - staring at the screen whilst listening to...

...follow-on from the previous post. Today in the office someone explained that you no longer take a book to a desk in a library, you put it in a kind of hole and it's scanned. I can barely remember libraries and every time someone mentions them I'm reminded that they exist. If I think of libraries at all it's in relation to the Tony Hancock episode, The Missing Page, where he requests a large historical tome, which impresses the librarian until he uses it to stand on to reach Lady Don't Fall Backwards. Another joke in that episode revolves around the reappearance of Lolita, which cause a rush at the desk. In retrospect, a strange joke, considering what Lolita was about.

I had nothing to say but said something...

Can I actually say something about nothing? No doubt there's a book on the subject. There are books on everything. If there isn't, there should be.

I write to stave off...what? Boredom? Depression? Watching a mediocre film because I can for free on Amazon? Yes, yes, yes. yesterday I started watching Michael Mann's Heat. Just for something to do. I've already seen it but thought it worth a revisit to see if it's improved. It hadn't. The flashy direction, the 'acting' acting by Al Pacino, bored me after a while. 

I really have nothing more to say...

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