Monday 25 June 2018

Three Vispo/Concrete Poetic (huh?) pieces/ Spiritual idiots as Art(ists)-lovers

"But you must be spiritual," a friend says to LJ. Because she's an artist, he means. The same day, an FB friend posts that he's had to unfollow a few people because they insist on posting 'spiritual' memes. Unfollow? I'd unfriend them, but that's me and that's why I follow so few people on Facebook. Not because they post 'spiritual' memes, but because they're either total bores of have OCD which manifests itself right there. Piss off.

This Spiritual Artist crap has gone on long enough, as long as the you-must-be-able-to-draw shit and all the other antiquated plain wrong artist myths. people crave spirituality these days like they crave religion - "Please give my life meaning because otherwise it's a totally insignificant life I'm leading here when all I do is listen to shit music and watch awful films along with the dregs of humanity called 'celebrities' on TV - help me, Lord! I need to believe!" Try doing something interesting you wankers.

I've never looked at a piece of art and seen or felt anything 'spiritual'. I'm not 'religious'. I won't kneel before any icons or ever visit the church of John Coltrane because it's backed by God-botherers, obviously. Now, about Coltrane, A Love Supreme may be fueled by his spirituality so, well, whatever gets the job done but it's never caused me to feel anything but pleasure, although not as much pleasure as I get from the music he made before he got religion. I'm assuming he got religion late, though I don't know and don't care...

...retards relishing the romanticised notion of the artist as 'seer' probably still think we all dream of a garret in Paris (I wouldn't mind) wherein we starve and suffer mental turmoil over paintings which usually fail to express what we feel in the very depths of our tortured souls. It can only be non-artists who believe any of this crap, surely. But hold on, there are plenty of dabblers of also want to believe, or even do believe, that their paintings of storm clouds over mountains express something 'spiritual'. Of course. And plenty more who, when not painting portraits of friends which reveal the very nature of their souls, commune with nature, sitting under trees (having hugged them) in order spiritual. Yes, my friend, it takes all sorts.

Let's aim lower. In fact, higher. Let's keep it at ground level, devoid of 'spiritual' crap and stuffed instead with shit, snot, glue, vomit, boredom, emptiness, anger, joy (if you must)...anything but pseudo-spirituality. Let's render visions of total aesthetics, even. Draw a straight line. Draw a crooked line. Better still, get the computer to do it. Be minimal. Be maximal. Be totally abstract. Even Be Yourself, whatever that means. We're all our own people, it's just that some folk suck up too much from others to form anything like a true Self. Fuck originality. You'll lose. No, you'll make yet another novelty idea. You might get into Frieze! Go ahead. Make something good or bad. Make something because for as long as you don't some arsehole is filling the world with shit you hate. It's your duty. If you don't make something They will, all of them...look...filling the world with kitsch digital art, landscapes, sunset photos, street art, Goth art, soft porn blah blah. You know the saying: If You're Not Part Of The Solution You're Part Of The Problem. 

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