Monday 11 May 2020

Drawing: Untitled / Is it right? Is it finished?

RTomens, 2020

Great ideas come to me some mornings whilst still in bed, brain in the twilight zone betwixt sleep and wakefulness, but I never leap up to write them down, as I tell myself I should. Nor do I keep a notepad by my bed, which I also probably should but don't for fear of becoming the type who writes down their dreams then burdens the world with them.

Great ideas also come whilst I'm cycling. Or 'great thoughts'. Or just thoughts which I think are...interesting? is that too arrogant? I mean, I was cycling the other day and started thinking about when a piece of art is finished. No not the old question, so much, more 'When is it right?' I'm not sure there's a difference, specifically in relation to non-figurative work. Abstraction, in theory, can go on growing forever? No, no, you just might think that's the case. Canvas limitations aside, the contents don't improve by the simple act of increasing their number, do they? 

A common mistake I notice, especially in abstract digital art, is to cram the space with shapes, colours etc, just because...well, it's easily and quickly done? Hold on. Who am I to say that's a 'mistake'? Well, I can if I want and you can't stop me! In truth, though, in my heart-of-hearts, I say 'If that's what she/he felt like doing, good luck to them!' I mean that (except for people who created soft porn images digitally and big-eyed little girls...and perfectly rendered tigers...they should all STOP!).

Where was I? Oh yes, cycling, when I started thinking about when a piece is ready; the 'that's it!' moment. As I cycled I had in mind the notion of 'finished', but also, perhaps more importantly, 'art', namely, the old Is It Art? question. People still ask it, don't they? The Fine Art finishing school no doubt has many rules but I know none of them. I revel in not knowing...ignorance being a kind of bliss. What the artists sees is unique to her/him. Viewers have their own perspectives. Trying to second guess the viewer's reaction is a slippery slope towards dumbing down. Assuming, that is, that you wish to please as many people as possible. 

That moment of completion can come at unexpected moments for me. Not working with a grand Finished Picture target in mind, I can find it 'done' any time once a initial elements are created. It's a strange experience, this 'done' moment. If I could explain it properly I'd be the type who writes Art advice books. But I can't. And I never will write a book like that.

This post has sat as a draft for a day...because I didn't know how to finish it.

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