Wednesday 24 February 2021

Virus - Mimmo Rotella (1989) / The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Nice

Flicking through this book of Mimmo Rotella's work the other day I came across Virus. Seems apt to post it.

Then I remembered seeing some of his work in Nice and found this photo of me in the The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, one of my all-time favourite galleries, not just because it contains some great work but also, you know, it's surrounded by one of the greatest cities in Europe. I looked at a few other photos from our holiday...but was overcome by melancholia at the thought of holidays in the South of France in a time before we could even imagine the tragedy of the Chinese virus...and the thought of possibly never returning because, basically, we ain't got a job between us - bah!


  1. I don't think I'd seen him before. Certainly wasn't concious of it. (Ignorant Colonial!) Just looked over some of his movie poster rippings. They have a certain je ne sais!

    1. He's a favourite of mine. Look up some of his 'artypos' and photo prints too. They're also great.
