Sunday 8 September 2024

Top Ten Novels / Collage: Vernacular / Andrew Rudin


RTomens, 20-

Whilst speaking to someone recently the subject of slimming down our book collections came up and I asked her for her Top Ten. Then I gave her mine. This is it:

The Outsider - Camus

Nova Express - Burroughs

Don Quixote - Cervantes

The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler

Our Man In Havana - Graham Greene

Nineteen-Eighty-Four - you-know-who

A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess

On The Road - Kerouac

The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald

Double Indemnity - James M. Cain


RTomens, 2024

I've not blogged for a while, mostly been typing but - .....
recently I decided to return to collage (see above) and...
since it involves architecture perhaps, subconsciously, this was dictated by the forthcoming work on our flat due to be started on Monday - the dread - I hate workman invading my space and this will be a four-day interruption of my usual existence which may not be fun-filled or action-packed but it is my routine and that involves making art, the disruption of which would normally involve homicide but cannot until the work is done, after which I shall be too relieved to want to kill them...


A recent post by Simon Reynolds alerted me to the existence of  Andrew Rudin, for which I'm extremely grateful. As Simon says: 'love to listen to this stuff but I'm not sure I really understand it beyond "that's a bunch of cool weird noises in a pattern" ', which is a brave (?) admission but one I can relate too and, if truth be told, so can most of us humble fans of avant-garde electronic music. Yes, there will, in many cases, be an intellectual/musical explanation of the complex arrangements and technical expertise and I even have some in books on the genre but there's no way I'm going to try and decipher what's written. Meanwhile, you might enjoy these 'weird noises' and as a bonus, visuals by Rudin himself...

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