Friday, 7 October 2016

Vispo? Concrete Poetry? Unknowable

RTomens, 2016

......................from Anton Webern conducting Alban Berg to Photek's Form And Function, that's how I swung today and I don't care who knows it.................but how much did those diverse musics influence my art work? Possibly not at all, but I always play music whilst working........fact is that something as lively as Photek can be used to spark me up, I mean liven me up...............sound waves crisp and clear igniting neurons? I dunno................................

RTomens, 2016 I've been playing around with new methods this week whilst waiting for my computer to be fixed and the new one to arrive..........................................

RTomens, 2016

....................if yer like it, tell the world because I'm desperate to become that end, tell someone with some influence, like a gallery I can hang prints in a room somewhere because that's proper exhibiting......................................................hahahahahahahhahah!

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