Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Art Life Without A Studio

We have no studio - ain't that a shame? Perhaps, although I've often thought that if we had one that wasn't in our home very little would get done. To visit a studio requires a lot of time which, since we do have jobs, would only be available at the week-ends and would then have to be found amongst hours needed for domestic chores such as shopping. Nah, nothing would get done in that studio.

Being a digital artist, mostly, I don't need a studio. Even the small amount of work I've done on paper and board is hard to store. A studio in the flat, now that would be useful, but this is London. Those of us on low incomes live in places where swinging a mouse is tricky, never mind a cat. It's the price we pay for being in one of the 'art centres of the world'! More to the point, an overcrowded investors' paradise gradually being cleansed of undesirables such as ourselves...

...so these photos are portraits of our flat-without-a-studio...

...where we make way for artwork on paper, canvas or board by shifting stuff, clearing tables and even erecting tables...

...one of these days, like Travis, we tell ourselves we're going to get organized...

...but until then...

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