Thursday 9 May 2019

Collage/Drawing: Untitled / Chocolate and Class Consciousness

RTomens, 2019

From the 'Liberty' series which I began a few weeks ago, experimenting with various styles, not having settled on one or necessarily wanting to except for reason of cohesion which, I confess, has never been my 'strong point'. Cohesion, that is, should the book containing these ever materialise. Besides, cohesion is, actually, anathema to me as an artist, by which I mean a 'totality of style', as you've probably noticed. I am eclectic in artistic styles, media and most importantly, taste in chocolate. Oh yes, I love both Wispa bars and Lindt. I can swing either way, common or posh. Wispa bars  reflect my working class roots whilst Lindt my aspirational side - ha-ha! Yes, I've broken free (partly) from the class stereotype that was seemingly my fate and moved up into the realms of 70% cocoa world! I've escaped the chains of Cadbury's milk chocolate-only that was my lowly childhood and made something more of myself! I'm at liberty to eat what the hell I like, when it comes to chocolate, at least. 

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