Monday 17 February 2020

Print: The Human Tomorrow / Ornette Coleman: Tomorrow Is The Question

RTomens, 2020

This piece, The Human Tomorrow,  is comprised of text from my old cut prose project, Shadows, the totality of which has never been edited into 'shape' but the contents have provided a few choice lines, plucked from one context and placed into another. All the lines in Shadows were plucked from somewhere, rearranged and sampled over the years, usually combined with images. 

Ornette Coleman questioned tomorrow in the classic title of his album. Few other musicians were capable of posing such a profound question. Coleman's very presence in 1959 questioned the 'meaning' of Jazz and what it's 'tomorrow' might be, what it would sound like. But if what he was playing then sounded 'alien' to most, with Free Jazz in '61 he sandblasted Jazz completely. It's as if he got something off his chest before resuming his journey on a far from ordinary path. Perhaps he had stared into an abyss and didn't fancy submerging himself in it.

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