Wednesday 13 May 2020

Vispo: Memory-Image

RTomens, 2020

The old Remington Portable is finally being put to use on a regular basis after years of intermittent key-bashing. I can't recall what inspired me to use it more, but for the last few weeks I've been exploring typing letters, sentences and characters in various patterns. The example above is typical of what's been created so far. 

Whilst the urge to fill as sheet with content is always in the background, as mentioned in a recent post, the 'that's it!' moment arrives before that's done. I confess, though, that filling a sheet is not only 'hard work', creatively, but daunting. Hours worth of work could be ruined. Or perhaps not! After all, I'm not aiming for precision in the formal, structural sense. Such is my way. That said, many times I have had to carefully position the paper so as to stamp a letter where I want it to be. Even in apparent 'chaos' there can be precision placement.

I have a book in mind, but how much to rework the original pieces is undecided. Whilst I love the simpler forms I know so much more can be done with them. 

Meanwhile, lock down madness here in the UK continues. Everyone, I suspect, is going quietly insane but I, at least, have the key(s) to help keep me occupied, creatively.

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