Saturday 19 December 2020

New Vispo/Concrete Poetry Book: If You Don't Mind

concrete poetry book for sale

OK, folks! here's my last production of the year. Perhaps not the best time to try and sell anything but what the hell, it's just back from the printers. A VERY limited edition. I felt the need to consolidate some work from this year into book form. It's A4 size, 55 pages, perfect bound. Much of it has not been shown before. It contains a variety of styles but the bulk of the work was created on the Olympia typewriter. Call it Vispo/Concrete/Typewriter art, whatever you like. 

It's been quite a year, eh? The plague aside (if it's possible to put it aside), I've produced three books, so that's a positive. But I lost my job (as did LJ) and the plague has dominated, of course. Yet, in the age of everything online, I still feel there's something special about the printed page and books generally. The permanence of a physical thing is irreplaceable. That said, I know many people can't afford such a luxury. Still, as much as the online gallery is essential I wanted some of my work to put on a shelf alongside other books. Perhaps you do too. If so, see the pay button at the bottom. 



  1. This looks lovely, Robin. I look forward to perusing my copy and sharing it with my book-loving, house-bound family. Thank you for your generous contributions to the Concrete Formalism group in Facebook.

    1. Thanks Patrick. Please allow some time for postage over the holidays. Hope you enjoy the book when you get it.
