Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Novel: The Color of Money - Walter Tevis / Print: Naked Lunch / Prophet - Sun Ra


One of the most exciting lines in the history of literature: 'Let's shoot pool, Fast Eddie.' OK, only if you're a fan of the Eddie Felson novels by Walter Tevis, who died the year it was published (1984). This and the first, The Hustler (1959) must be the best novels based around pool ever written. Not that I've studied the 'genre', but who dare try to write anything as good as what Tevis achieved. The prose is lean, the 'hero' almost existentially adrift in a twentieth century America of booming material success. But could he make it again in the 80s? Will his nemesis, Minnesota Fats, always win in the end? Is pool a mug's game? As Eddie moves on up, socially, we see how he fares, who he can beat and whether he has it in him to win a big competition. Whether you understand the game or not, both novels are essential reads.

RTomens, 2023

Inspired, in part, by browsing through Eduardo Paolozzi's Metafisikal Translations, I got out the letter stamp box and went to work on a printed image. It looked fine as it was but I then altered some colours and printed a couple of layers. The texts are by Sun Ra and Paul Valery. An album of previously unheard Sun Ra material has just been released....