I drew this a couple of days ago. The colour in the picture above is truer than in the one below, due to the light in the room. Having looked at the photo I noticed the Webern box set. Remember playing records? Perhaps you do. It's been ages since I played that set, or any other albums on vinyl, for that matter. Yes, I'm thoroughly modern these days, a slave to Spotify. Part of me resents its hold on me. After all, the sound on the Wharfedale speakers is far superior to Alexa. But, as you know, Spotify has a seemingly endless selection whereas my collection has dwindled considerably over the years.
We used to joke about kids being so lazy that they could never manage to actually get up, place a record on the turntable etc. Well, I've almost become as bad. I play albums via Spotify that I have on vinyl or CD. CDs seem even more archaic than vinyl in a way, never having been revived the way vinyl has - as far as I know. Now streaming has knocked out all competition.
Whilst drawing what I've called '652' I was listening to Kraftwerk. Their sleek modernist electronics seemed to suit the look of what I aimed to make. I like to think they helped in some way. Perhaps tomorrow I'll create a lot of frantic squiggles because I chose to play late Coltrane (Free Jazz). But I doubt it!
Funny I had noticed the black box set myself and was going to ask you what it was. It reminds me of my Nick Drake blue box set.
ReplyDeleteBack in Italy, I used to have a sizable vinyl collection. Not massive, but I had a few hundred records. Alas, I had to leave them behind when I moved to Japan, and they remained there until I finally sold the whole lot.
You can't imagine how hard it is to sell vinyl unless it's rare and highly collectible. I wasn't aiming at getting rich with my humble records, but still, some of the offer I got from professional vinyl peddlers were just embarrassing. In the end, a couple of guys I met through my sister paid 600 euro for the collection. Not bad for me, and a great bargain for them.
I've sold a lot in my time. At one point, because I was on the dole, it was a matter of survival. Never regretted it, though. That said, vinyl will always have a place in my heart!