Tuesday 11 February 2020

Led Zeppelin Hedonism & Escaping A Beating

Chocolate, coffee, Led Zeppelin and a roll-up...living the dream...what a hedonist!

Led Zep albums were a big event in more ways than one. The covers of Led Zep III and Physical Graffiti were classics of the Rock Legends era. I remember being a kid and marvelling at the fact that you could revolve the inner part of Led Zep III to reveal different pictures - whooo-eee! The Physical Graffiti sleeve was equally impressive - a kind of advent calendar for teeny (and adult) rockers. My abiding memory of Physical Graffiti though, aside from the music, is having to carry it whilst running away from a rival gang who were in a pub, saw us walk past and came out to give chase - bastards! We did get away. I was a fast runner as a kid, even when carrying a double album under my arm. 

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